It Has Begun
;tldr Tribulation has begun. It's at our doorstep! Here's how I see things playing out.
I realize not everyone may share my excitement. But you have to understand a few things. When you've been waiting for something for some 30-plus odd years, you can't help but to feel like: Finally!
I have come to the conclusion that there is no future anyways, the way this is going. There is no future outside of what God has planned for his remnant, that is. What's coming to this world, at our doorstep now in fact, is pure misery under tyrannical, satanic overlords. That is, for those they don't exterminate. Yes, we are there. Population reduction and total control over everyone and everything.
You see, it's baked in. The 70 years have expired and now all things must be fulfilled as foretold. There is a predicted, determined outcome and events are proceeding toward that expected destination, which is the restoration of all things and the return of Jesus Christ.
Are you there yet? I'm talking about your mindset. Have you gone through the grieving process yet? Or are you still holding onto this way of life? Have you determined in your heart that whatever comes you will stand firm on your faith in the One who set all things in motion? Have you determined to not deny your Savior, even after not eating for several weeks. Even after your kids haven't eaten for days. After it has become obvious to you that the former life is gone and there's no going back to it?
Mindsets. I encourage you to get your thinking right. Now, before the train arrives. How do we do that? Study God's word. He already told us what's coming. We may not understand it all now, but when the time arrives, it will begin to click...for those who have been studying.
To those who still can't see the locomotive barreling down the tracks full speed, well, I don't know what to tell you. I know there are a lot of these people out there. But I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that there are so many people who are what's going on in the world. Even christians.
A friend recently told me he is intentionally hiding his head in the sand by avoiding the news. First of all, there's a whole lot better, more truthful sources for news than what people hear on TV. Secondly, did you know that ignorance is unbiblical, dear christian? In the Bible, do you know how spiritually strong, godly people are described? They are described as a city with a strong, secure wall around that city. They are described as a people who are wise, intelligent, discerning, cautious, careful, retrospect. Wise as serpents but harmless as doves. Isaiah, speaking of the days just ahead, predicts "wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times." But Hosea also speaks of our day on God's behalf : My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
I'm excited that it's finally here. There's no going back. And would you want it to anyways? Do you not see how grossly corrupt our society has become? Do you understand what's coming after Jacob's Trouble? Do you understand this promise in Isaiah: great will be the peace of your children? Do you understand this promise in Zechariah: I will be a wall of fire around them and the glory in their midst?
Are you not just a bit excited, horrible as it is, to see people in France being denied entrance to grocery stores without proof of vaccination? Or that, rumor has it, American government officials are planning a credit card sized passport, whereby no one will be allowed to purchase anything without it? Obviously, these are horrible things, but do you know what it means? Do you understand what's written in Revelation about no one being able to buy or sell without satan's mark?
We are here, folks. This is not the mark of the beast, but it's the softening up of people for the real thing. We are at the mark 1.0. How many iterations will there be? I don't know. How long it will it take? People, it is not far off. But first many things must take place. The following is a list of things I foresee happening in the near future.
Vaxx or Else! Everyone Must Take (to participate in society)
War! China, Taiwan, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Middle East, Many Nations
Great Shaking, Devastation, Bodies everywhere
Plans Delayed, Cleanup Begins, Countless Dead
Severe Economic Crash, Wealth Gone!
No Food, Where'd the water go?
Severe Crop Damage and Loss
Survival Mode
Repent! Fasting and Praying. Unexplainable Miracles, Elijah
Violence in the streets! Neighbor against neighbor. Killing for scraps.
Death to Christians! Laws Passed Quickly, No Preaching Allowed! Martyrs
U.N. troops sent to the U.S. FEMA camps promise food, help
Russia Strikes! Death Blow to U.S.
And people, this is just the beginning. From what I understand, the beginning of the final 7 years is still months from that last bullet point. The Bible has much to say about how God will protect and provide for his remnant in the midst of a world gone mad. Oh, you're going to be raptured out before the trouble begins? OK, well, a wise christian would prepare for the worst and pray for the best. Ask God what he would have you do now to prepare. Seek his face as if the very world is crumbling around you. It is.
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